Well, it is now history. Let me explain what happened. Sadie happened. Sadie was taking a nap on my bag the other day. I thought is was so sweet and cute I took this picture of her:

I woke her up when I took it, poor thing. Little did I know she wasn't only snoozing...she was also taking the opportunity to eat my bag. Aaron said it is because she likes leather. I reminded him I bought it at Target and it isn't really leather...Take a look at the damage those sharp little puppy teeth did:

A close up on the damage:

Seriously Sadie? I wanted to beat her!!! But I don't beat dogs...or people for that matter, so I just grabbed my camera. I figure in a few years I can look back at these pictures and laugh!...Maybe. I will miss that bag. It served me well for MANY years. It was a timeless bag I would have kept for years to come...*SIGH*. I can't complain because I did leave it on the floor-anything on the floor is fair game for a puppy. Sadie has done a great job of only chewing on her toys up until this point...But, I don't even have a black bag now...yet. :) Aaron, I am on a mission to find a new (cheap, don't worry ) big mom bag. We will call it my Mother's Day gift okay? It could take a while to find the perfect bag any way. It may be Mother's Day before I find it!