Jake and Emily blowing bubbles:

Jake (picture me sniffing and maybe even a tear...Look at how big my baby has gotten!) and Sadie blowing bubbles:

I am glad we waited almost a year to get another dog because it gave me time to get out of my mind I needed another dog just like Emily. She was...amazing. So, amazing I wrote a post about her here. (If you don't have time to read it you at least have to look at the pictures-she was a beautiful dog.) Sadie is Sadie. :) She is a crazy and loving little puppy. She is ADORABLE. She may end up being a little more Marley (I never saw the movie...yet-I still plan on it...but we read the youth version of the book and LOVED it.), than Emily but that is okay. Emily (don't tell Jake this) was my dog. We had a connection-like human and dog soul mates. Jake has that connection with Sadie and it is SO fun to watch. My friend from work, Sharlene, came over last week and dropped off a file cabinet her family was getting rid of (it will come in handy for home schooling and it was free!) and she brought her teenage son to help with the heavy lifting. While they were at our house they watched Jake and Sadie playing crazily in the front yard. Sharlene told me the next day at work that her son said Jake and Sadie feed off each other. It is so true. Jake laughs hysterically while they are chasing each other and I am sure Sadie is on the inside too. :) I almost forgot! Sadie is 13 weeks today-about the same age Emily was when we got her. They are so different, but they both won our hearts. I love dogs. Heavenly Father knew what he was doing when he made man's best friend. :)