Jake just got in bed about 20 minutes ago...another late night, poor kiddo. He of course had tons of homework (boo) and he was signed up to go to a book club at the library. They were discussing one of the Magic Tree House books...The one about Leprechauns , whatever number that one is. Jake can read M.T.H. books in like 45 minutes, but he still loves them and was excited to go...and I am so glad he did! While he was in the book club I went and searched out some home schooling books and found a few that will be helpful. While I was waiting for Jake to finish I started reading them and then a mother from Jake's b-ball team (not this past season but the one before that) came up and talked to me and guess what? She home schools her kids (2 of which were on Jake's b-ball team and are 8 and 10-perfect ages for buddies and were in the book club!!) and told me all about the H.S. group she is involved in. Their group is based on the classics too and I am so EXCITED!!! She invited me to check it out and come to a meeting for preparation for the next session...But anyway back to St. Patt'y's day! They made leprechaun traps at the book club-but Jake decided to make his a leprechaun hotel. :) He had a great time and is excited for the next one in May. That was a nice way to celebrate St. Patty's Day! We usually have green eggs and ham for breakfast but, that just didn't happen today...But we did have our green mac' n' cheese (along with chicken nuggets) and green milk for dinner. Phew! Another day lived and loved-now I better get to folding laundry and throwing more in!