Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Simple Pleasure: Making Jakes Day with our little secret.

We have had a hard time getting going in the morning this week...Monday we really slept in. The rest of the week we just haven't been able to get moving. I think 2 late nights for Jake (Visiting teaching on Tues=in bed at 9:15. Cub Scouts last night=in bed at 8:30. I know that doesn't sound late but Jake is usually in bed at around 7:30. He takes after me-he needs his sleep!) made getting ready in a timely manner next to impossible. This morning we were really behind. (We didn't even leave the house until 7:15. It is about a 15 minute drive and you are tardy at 7:30.) At around 7:05 the rushing and on the verge of yelling began. Jake said something like "this day is going horrible already!" and I stopped. I made a split second decision. I said "You haven't been tardy all year, it's really no big deal. I know you are going to be tardy today because I am going to get you some breakfast (Jake still hadn't even eaten breakfast...) at Chick-fil-a. " Jake looked at me like I was crazy then smiled. I told him it would be our little secret (I didn't want him to go into school and announce to his not very understanding teacher that we were late because we went through the drive thru...), and that if this morning wasn't going well we would make something great happen by having a treat. I told him to stop rushing, worrying (his binder opened while he was putting it in his bag and papers were falling out...), and just take your time. We were going to celebrate that this was the first time he was tardy all year. There are lots of kids who have been tardy a bunch by now! Needless to say he went to school with a smile on his face and that makes me happy.

We have another secret (I blogged that we had a secret a while ago...Some of you already know this since I have confided in you because, I just had to tell someone, or I was picking your brain for ideas...) we aren't going to tell him until the end of the school year...Can you keep a secret from Jake? He will be the only one who doesn't know, so don't spill the beans. WE ARE HOMESCHOOLING NEXT YEAR!!! I am delighted to say the least. We have big but simple plans. We are going to jump off the conveyor belt and jump into an actual education! REMEMBER don't tell Jake...or anyone who may let it slip...I am thinking cousins who may say something with out thinking about it or primary friends...So, I guess you could say this is an adult secret! :) Those are my simple pleasures for today...

What is your simple pleasure? Check out Cocoa's blog for other simple pleasures.