Despite the late start, Jake's car it got finished (barely) in time for the Pinewood Derby on Saturday. There are not a whole lot of words going around in my head (due to a traumatic experience I will tell you about later...), so we are going to go with pictures!
The awesome cake a lady in the ward made for the occasion:

Jake's car before the race. Aaron told him to keep it upside down so the weights wouldn't come loose...

Jake and his #13 car. (We used the same spray paint as last year)

Jake and Lasondro during the flag ceremony.

Jake shaking his den leaders hands while receiving the 2 beads he earned.

Jake and his buddy Jashawn with their cars.

Jake's car in the lead...

Jake and his trophy for 1st place Bear. Jake is the only Bear...But he came in 3rd overall...I think. They didn't all race each other this year like we did last year. Aaron is sure he would have beat everyone. :)