(If you don't like puppies there is something wrong with you... :) )
We have had this little ball of fluff in our house for 2 weeks now, and she has totally stolen our hearts. We, for whatever reason, always give our dogs middle names. We are going back in forth between May and Monster. Sadie May sounds so sweet and was our first dog, Daisy's (a crazy basset hound) middle name. But, I have to say that Monster may be more fitting. Don't get me wrong she is as sweet as can be, but in case you didn't know, puppies can be a bit like monsters. They have razor sharp teeth that they use on you! They of course don't realize how much it hurts-but IT DOES. I have many battle wounds on my hands to show for it. They happen when you are playing and they can't get the toy so they get you instead...So, I will let you know which middle name sticks, but I am rooting for Monster. Sadie had her first Vet visit on Monday and they said she was perfect-something I already knew. :) The vet kept saying she is going to a BIG dog. Emily (our last black lab) was 100 pounds so we are ready. The phase when your puppy is still a puppy mentally but not physically is always fun, but we have been there and done that, so we will survive. Sadie is pretty smart. If her water is empty and she needs some she puts her paw in the bowl and makes a racket until you fill it. If she has to go #2...sorry this is my journal too, so I have to document it...She whines, chases her tail and runs for the front door. She could have just gone #1 outside (or on occasion inside...) in the back yard, but she will come in the house and run for the front door. And Mom, contrary to what Jake was telling you on the phone she is doing really well in potty training. He made it sound like she pee's all over the place and we don't even pay attention. Puppies are like toddlers that just learned how to walk-you have to always keep your eye on them. The vet was impressed at how well she walks on a leash and the fact that I brought two chew toys with me. What can I say? I am a mom, I like to be prepared...Sadie is 13 pounds and 9 weeks old. She feels like a feather so I am surprised she weighs that much already! Okay...Okay, enough rambling about Sadie. Here are the puppy pic's:

Sadie stuck between the screen and the door...She really is smart I swear...

And on to the other things I have forgotten to post:
Just to make you feel better if you are having a "I am a horrible mother" day:

We had fun making Valentine's to send to Nee and Papa on their mission...I am sad to day the is the last letter we wrote them...Sorry we are so slack!!!! Jake's love bug: