I didn't get a chance to post day 3 pic's of Aaron's ankle...I didn't even ask him if I could take one today. He is a P.T.P.P (I guess there is no need to do that if I am still going to tell anyone who doesn't know, that that stands for picture taking party pooper....) so I was glad he let me take as many as he did!
Day 3: Sadie was very interested in what I was doing and evidently thought there might be some food on the bottom of Aaron's foot while I was taking this picture...

The doctor was convinced it was broken, even though Aaron told her he didn't think it was. Aaron was right, no broken bones. Just a VERY sprained ankle. He got an air cast and a note to his professors to tell them why he missed classes today. He did decide to stay home from work one more night and he is wondering after 4 nights off in a row how he is ever going to get back in the 3rd shift routine! It is less swollen today thanks to the prescription for swelling from the doc. I think he enjoyed his days off (besides the pain) because he has gotten to play an awful lot of Lego Star Wars III. :) Did I mention the cute pillow Aaron's foot is laying on is newish? I got two of them after Valentine's day, at Target, for $5!...I feel the need to buy a canvas and paint a picture to match for the wall. Another project to add to the list...but that one wouldn't take long-those are my favorite kind! Did you know I like to paint? I haven't done it for a while...Gotta go. American Idol is one and Aaron is home to night to watch it. That kind of counts as a date night right?