*Aaron doesn't have to go to work tonight! (If you don't already know this: he works full time 3rd shift and has Monday and Wednesday nights off). He has 3 nights off in a row!...And there may be more (he doesn't think so, but we will see), due to this injury:
Day 1 (last night):

He has rolled his ankle several times and when he does it he does it good...He is very athletic. It isn't because he is uncoordinated or anything. Harmon's are just...occasionally accident prone...I know it REALLY hurts because he asked me to call and make a doctor's appointment for him to go to tomorrow. He had to hobble around on crutches (that were made for at the tallest a person who is 5'10''...He is 6'2'') all day at school today. He had an exam and when you are taking classes like Calculus 4 you really can't miss a class. The doctor's office (the one Jake and I go to already) asked who his current doctor is..?..Oh that's right they don't know Aaron yet! They don't know that the last time he went to the doctor was to see Jake's ultrasound...Oh wait that really wasn't an appointment for him. It was actually several years before Jake was born, when he tore his knee to pieces and had to have major surgery. Aaron says he had to go a few years ago, but I really don't remember it. But any way! The doctor's office wants to get his "medical records"...I didn't even say anything. I will let him explain it to them when he goes tomorrow. :)
Day 2:

*Jake and I have started a new project. We are putting together a 1000 piece puzzle. A friend mentioned on her blog a while ago that they did a puzzle and then I read in a book about how good it is for your brain to do puzzles. I need all the brain power I can get so I was inspired!

I do however fear that this project has been slightly derailed...Jake has been saving up for the new Lego Wii Star Wars III game. He saved $20 (it was supposed to be $25 but Aaron took my advice and knocked off $5 since he didn't take Jake snowboarding this year.) and Aaron was going to pay the other half (because he wants it just as bad as Jake does). It came out today...We usually don't play the Wii during the week (we are mean parents like that) but since Jake has no homework this week (they are taking the practice end of grade tests this week...don't even get me started on what I think of those tests!), and Aaron is laid up with an extremely large and purple ankle, they are playing it. I get to blog so you don't hear me complaining! :) Aaron stipulated that Jake could play it during the week if he put the $20 he saved into his savings account by Friday. Done. I don't think Aaron realized that I have Jake's savings account on line so I just transferred it on into his account and put the cash right in my pocket! That isn't nearly as fun as it sounds though. I have to run to the grocery store to get a couple of things tonight (they go off sale today and I have a coupon so I can't miss them...Deodorant for 13 cents and eggs for 99 cents... Why doesn't the computer have a cents button?)
My guys with the new game:

*Sadie is 12 weeks old today. She had to go to the vet yesterday for her puppy booster shots and she weighs 19.2 pounds. That is 6 pounds she has gained...in 3 weeks. She is going to be a big girl. Sadie figured out how to jump on the couch. She hasn't done it since though since she got in trouble because she is not supposed to be on the couch! :) She loves ice cubes and Granny Smith apples...which I am hoping dogs can eat. Our other 2 didn't like any fruits (Daisy did like grapes-which dogs are not supposed to eat. It didn't effect her in the least though. She had an iron stomach.) or veggies (if we gave them a plate to lick off, it would be completely spotless besides a stray green bean or piece of lettuce.), so I am going to have to do some research. She also got to eat her first Dorito and piece of cheese also. Both of which fell on the floor and she instantly retrieved. Sadie loves to eat rocks...(she may not be as bright as our last 2 dogs were) or at least retrieve them and chew on them. Jake claims he did see her eat one, which really wouldn't surprise me all that much...and is starting to go out in the backyard and hang out by herself. She used to be scared if no one went with her. :) She is still afraid of the dark, or at least shadows in the dark. And she still sneaks into Jake's room after he goes to sleep to try to sleep in his room with him. She lays down with her head under his bed...I have a feeling she thinks I can't see her, but I can. One more thing I have learned about he recently is that if she goes into her crate (which is wire...meaning we can see her...) and is very quiet she probably stole someone's shoe and doesn't want us to know. Sadie is a mess! Okay, this has been a long and rambling post so I will end with a few fur ball shots and call it good. I have to go see how this new Star Wars game is... :)
Sadie after she came inside. It looks like she was enjoying some dirt...and probably a couple of rocks...Check out her tongue