*The beauty of our four legged friends and the joy they bring into our lives. I have loved, loved, loved, watching Jake and his new best friend play and cuddle. They adore each other and I adore them! There is beauty in having a best friend that will never judge you, will love you unconditionally, and will keep all your secrets.

*The beauty of an epiphany while reading the Ensign...In the article "His Grace is Sufficient", Kimberlee B. Grant wrote: "When it comes right down to it, I don't hate myself, but Satan does hate me and will use every tactic available to turn me away from the light." Yesterday Satan wanted me to look around me and see my shortcomings and feel guilty. It worked...almost. I decided to enjoy the beauty outside and let the mess wait another day. I can honestly say I feel no guilt in spending time outside with Jake and Sadie. And guess what? This morning went much smoother and the house is getting cleaned today. I think I fought a battle with Satan all day and came out with the upper hand. Go Me!
*The beauty of celebrating love! We had an amazing week leading up to Valentine's day remembering why we love each other....

*The beauty of the earth. One day last fall I went outside and enjoyed snapping a few pictures of the beauty of Fall, my favorite season (though Spring is a close second with the wonderful weather we have enjoyed the past couple of days...). I love the color of the leaves against the still green grass. I love the smells, I love the brisk wind. I love this beautiful Earth in the fall...I am going to have to do the same thing and snap some pictures of Spring.

*The beauty of sleep...

How do you do it? Thank you for doing it...
I could go on and on, but the messy house isn't cleaning itself (unfortunately!). Thanks yet again Cocoa for making me start the day off by thinking about how good life really is!