Aaron is a P.T.P.P (picture taking party pooper) on most occasions. I am just glad that he decided to act crazy for this picture rather than ignoring the camera completely like he usually does...

I love the old school doily (that is how spell check said to spell it...) hearts so much I had to put some up in the front windows of the house. The shade not going all the way up is driving me a little crazy..

The real reason I went outside was to take a picture of what appeared to be the snow we were told we were going to get. Depending on where you get your information we were told we would get any where from nothing all the way to 3 to 4 inches...This was pretty much nothing. But it was enough that Jake got to stare at the snow that covered the window on the roof of the car as we drove to school, which I thought of taking a picture of but it was already melted. And in some places you could actually tell it was snow. :) Hold on Winter don't give up yet!

I got a love note yesterday. Thanks Aaron for the sweet note. And to your P.S.-yes I will finish the Thomas Jefferson Education book so you can read it soon I swear! :)