After the Jeep got repacked and we ate lunch (Aaron had to say goodbye before they left because he had to go to the dentist), we said our goodbyes. We took a few photos and hugged a bunch. It was strange because I think we all expected it to be sadder or more emotional than it was. We are of course going to miss them, but it had already hit us when they got set apart that it was really here. We cried our tears then and now we were just saying goodbye or really c-ya in 18 months. It could have been saying bye as they went out to dinner or something. Plus we knew they were on their way to the bank down the street. We had a deposit to make too so we waved bye and then went and jumped in our Jeep to surprise them one last time! It was pretty funny and it gave Nee another chance to sit and cuddle Jake one more time.

I am so excited for you Mom and Dad! You are going to be great missionaries. We are going to miss you so much but we know that you are where you are supposed to be-or at least you are on your way! Good luck as you enter the MTC tomorrow. You will be just what Seattle needs!