Monday, February 1, 2010

Week 5 Results: I stink..

...I really do stink right now because I just worked out and REALLY need to take a shower. It was one of those "work out so hard your whole had is wet" work outs. For good reasons I worked out that hard...I got ELIMINATD from my Biggest Loser Wii. You read right I actually got eliminated! I slacked BIG TIME last week and gained 4 pounds!!!!! So not only do I stink from needing a shower, I stink at week 5! Aaron was like don't worry usually you do bad week 3-at least you made it longer this time...Is that really a compliment? I am back on it people-BIG TIME! Let this be a lesson to all who are reading (which may be no one...) If you slack and eat a little too much life is not over if you are working out. But if you slack at eating and exercise you WILL pay the consequences...I stink...I have to go take a shower...

..One more thing...actually 3 more things:

1. My parents are on the way to the MTC as we speak!!!! We love you and are so proud of you! Good luck!!!!

2. Jake said "Mommy can't you change the picture at the top of your blog? It looks like I am getting more and more tired every time I look at it!" (he has "the blues" as we call it in this picture. If Jake is tired we know because he gets dark circles under his eyes instantly or "the blues")

3. You will probably be happy to know I won't be blogging for a few days until we get our internet up and running. I am not sure anyone will even notice I am gone because I don't think anyone even reads my blog any way (that's okay though you all are busy and I have been RAMBLING lately!). But I did reach my goal of blogging all of Jan. by Jan. 31st. A lot happened in Jan. sorry for the post overload but this is my journal/scrap book so it had to be documented. I can't wait to see what all you post when I get back! Good bye for now!