Every year on the first FHE of the year we measure, weigh, and ask Jake questions so that next year we can see how much he has changed. We usually read last years and compare, but unfortunately I couldn't find it. No surprise with the move, but next year I will know exactly where it is. Right here on my blog!
Jake is 52 1/2 inches tall. He told me that weight like your report card is private (if this sounds familiar to you, you have probably read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever"), so he wants to keep it private. Ok silly little skinny boy!..I will say that in the past couple of months he has gained a few pounds-just like he did last year right before he sprouted up a couple of inches and out grew all his pants in the middle of winter. Anyone have any size 9 or 10 hand me downs?...Here are some of his favorites (you will notice a pattern. We asked for his favorite and he could never think of one thing):
(Don't you just love how full the little trash can is in the background?..)

Favorite color(s): blue and black
Favorite food: Chinese buffet (random...over Christmas we went to a Chinese buffet and he love the rolls with sugar on them. Chinese doughnuts I think. He must be craving them because all last year I think we went to a Chinese buffet 3 times and that is a lot for us!)
Favorite drink: hot chocolate and chocolate milk
Favorite subject in school: math and social studies.
Favorite book: The Mysterious Benedict Society (oh look only one answer for this one question!)
Favorite scripture stories: Nephi building a boat and Noah building a boat. (this answer hasn't changed his whole life)
Favorite Primary song: Child's Prayer (my fav too...ok I lied 2 q's with one answer)
Favorite songs: The Beatles I wanna hold your hand and Here comes the sun (the song he was born to) and Black Eyed Peas I gotta feeling (no Dave Matthews this year...I need to work on that for next year)
Favorite shows: Ben 10 Alien Force, Star Wars the Clone Wars, and Phineus and Ferb.
Favorite movies: One hour Star Wars the Clone Wars (in Jake's words pretty much a movie), Ben 10 Alien Swarm, GI Joe, and Madagascar 2 (King Julian is hysterical)
Favorite Wii games: (with no hesitation whatsoever) Lego Indian Jones, Lego Star Wars and Wii Resort
Good Friends: Cameron, Cade, Kaili (Mountain friends we miss), Lindsey, Hannah, and Corey.
Favorite things to do: Spend time with family (this is the first thing Jake said. It may be because I pointed out just a couple of years ago we were always first on his list of best friends. He said we are better than friends we are family), eat cookies (he was waiting to eat the cookies I made as a FHE treat), play the Wii, have snow ball fights (he really wants it to snow), ride bike and scooter, play with Emily, and build with Legos.
Favorite season: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall...(he likes them all the same)
And last but not least:
Favorite animal: (we ended up having to break this up in to categories, he is an animal genius after all) Mammal: all dogs, even the little yippy ones. Reptiles: the spitting King cobra, and the Black Mamba. Raptors: Hawks and Eagles
Finally treat time! As Nee posed with her cookie Papa was trying to eat it. This is right after that...I like the smiles.

My two cookie eating fools!

Technically last Monday was the first FHE of the year but we weren't at home. But don't worry I have pictures! :) We went to Sharon (my mother's best friend from her childhood all the way up in Vermont. They decided to escape the cold and snow a few years ago and moved down south too.) and Ron Dickinson's home for dinner and had a wonderful evening.
Sharon, Jake, and Nee. Sharon has volunteered to fill in for Nee while she is gone on her mission. Jake has had several ladies say they would adopt them as there Grandson while she is gone. Luckily he has a great Nana that isn't too far a way to make up for any hugs he will be missing.

Sharon and Ron have an awesome train (actually 2) that you can control that goes around the Christmas tree. Jake of course loved it.