I am on a roll! I lost another 3 pounds and I couldn't be happier! I am still not being perfect (not even close) on the diet, but I am doing great on exercising. AND IT IS WORKING! I keep wondering how much I would lose if I did great at both...but it hasn't happened yet. When it has happened in the past I got burnt out quick...so I am still living life. EXAMPLE: Our good friends Norb and Elizabeth got sealed in the temple (that means someone with the proper Priesthood authority sealed their marriage and family together not just "'til death do you part..", but for eternity!) on Saturday and we all went out to dinner after (thanks again Bro. and Sis. Gariety for that treat, not that they are reading this but I am just putting it out into the atmosphere and it will make its way back to them in good vibes.) I of course have pictures of said occasion and this seems like a great way to work them in. :) Anyway the pictures are below and it was awesome!!! Morgan (3 yrs. old) and Cole (18 mos.) were so adorable (as usual) and handled the long day like champs. At the same time another couple we know were getting sealed also and we got to congratulate them and hang with Matt (Aaron's younger bro.) and Erin (sis-in-law) for a few minutes because they were attending that sealing...That is a long sidetrack but the point is I ate some yummy Fatz's Cafe chicken tenders, poppy seed rolls with honey butter, and fries and still lost weight! Yeah me!
Norb, Cole, Morgan, and Elizabeth Gariety. The new eternal family! :)

I love this picture. If I was a real photographer it would be so much better, but I still love it!

Morgan, Cole, and Jake.

Just chatting after. Aaron maybe telling them about his tooth (or lack there of) in this picture. The day before this he had a tooth pulled that he was supposed have gotten a crown on about 7 years ago...Brush and floss kids, brush and floss...(I was channeling the penguins of Madagascar there for a second...You know "smile and wave boys, smile and wave."?)