Saturday, June 23, 2012

It is official: I could never be a rock star..

Why you ask?  Because I HATE hotels.  I am a OCD, germaphob and went with out my Prozac for a day....Bad combination. Even in a clean hotel.  I pulled back the sheets and there were 3 hairs...Not to mention that my flip-flop fell off my foot and I touched the carpet with my barefoot...And after I took a shower I accidentally kicked my flip-flop across the bathroom and had to put my foot on the floor.  I could not live every night in a hotel room.

The real question is why am I in a hotel room?  Because we (Nee, Papa, Jake, and I) are going to New Hampshire to see Tina and her family!!!!!  It is Tuesday 6/19 but I am not posting this until now*. because they don't know Jake and I are coming.  It is a surprise!!!  YIPPPEEE!  Thank goodness for a wonderful husband who stays at home to work while we go on vacation so I can see my sister.  Thanks Aaron. :)

So, we are driving (correction my dad is) a U-Haul (full of furniture for my sister's new home that my parents couldn't fit into their new home), that is pulling a car behind it.  My mom and I are taking turns driving their Jeep.  It was an uneventful drive (which is a good thing) so far except when we stopped for dinner at KFC.  Jake had to go back up to the counter because they put some funky sauce on his sandwich.  We were sitting at one of those high tables and when he got back he put his hand on the tray to push himself back up....Unfortunately the tray was not on the table all the way and it shot my mash potatoes and Jake's new sandwich on to the floor, luckily not quit making into to the older gentleman at the next table..More on our ride up later...

*My mom accidentally let it slip to my sister on the phone so I am posting this today instead of next Tuesday when my sis and her family will be traveling here.  My mom was talking to Tina when we were on the road and Tina said she would let her go so she could focus on driving and Mom said "oh I am not driving dad is"...Of course Tina put two and two together because there are 2 vehicles to drive. :)  More on our trip up and what we have been up to so far soon...