Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Things I said I would post about but never did!: Crafty Christmas Gifts

Tuesday is going to be my official:
 Things I Said I Would Post But Never Did day.  I do that a lot. Say I am going to post about something later on and then I...don't.  Here is the first of many posts.  This week is Christmas gifts I made using ideas I saw on Pinterest.
Did you see the pin where you can make your fingernails all swirly looking?  Well you can do it with ornaments too.  And we did!  Here is the original pin on how to do it  to your nails.  I couldn't find the pin that talks about how to do it on ornaments but it the same principal because you still use nail polish.  We just sprayed it with acrylic sealer after and they were amazing!

This is one we just experimented with.  I had nail polish (that didn't really work) with hearts in it that I used with one of my nieces.  It worked great on the ornament.
This one is nail polish (I have some I don't use very much) and glitter shaken inside.
This is one with nail polish that we didn't swirl with a toothpick.

This is another fun idea for all those Christmas cards you get in the mail.  At Walmart (if your Walmart has a fabric section still.  Some don't...) you can buy this awesome thick plastic that they will cut to the size of your table.  Slip it over a tablecloth and slip the cards in between!  Genius right?  We also put the US map under it when we were studying the states. It is also great for b-days, Valentine's Day...You get the picture.
More bleach pen tee's.   I did post the other ones that I made for my nieces and nephews here.   A Pi shirt for my math geek.
I forgot to turn this one and I am too lazy at this moment to fix it....A Lego Maniac shirt for my Lego Maniac.
They were a hit.  By the way that is IBC creme soda on the mantle not beer.

Finally posted! Oh man...I just remembered the picture frame gift I gave to Nee & Papa and Nana & Papa...A post for another Tuesday I guess. :)  I still haven't even posted Christmas yet...Sad I know.

I had so much fun making all sorts of fun gift.  I am definitely going to do it again this year.  It is so much more fun to make gifts because you get to shop for what you need and do crafts.  It really is the best of both worlds.  What have you been crafting lately?  I am a great copier but not great at coming up with my own ideas so if you have any good ones please share them with me! :)