Monday, January 17, 2011

Jake @ the beginning of 2011...

For family home evening we did our updates for the year on Jake. We do it every year, this is just the 2nd year we have done it on the blog. So, here is Jake in a nutshell...No pictures because Aaron and Jake are party poopers.
Height: 55 1/2 inches
Clothes &Shoe size: 10 and 12's, 4
Favorite color: light blue
Favorite meal: creamy crockpot chicken
Favorite drink: chocolate milk
Favorite dessert: cookies
Favorite book: Far World by J. Scott Savage
Favorite TV shows: Transformers Prime and G.I. Joe Renegades
Favorite Wii games: Epic Mickey, Lego Harry Potter, and Lego Bateman
Favorite things to do: Play the Wii, play with action figures and Legos, and watch TV
Favorite songs: It's the End of the World as we know-REM, Live Like Your Dying-Kris Allen, Eleanor Rigby-Beatles, Going the Distance-Cake, Anytime-Eve Six, Assassin and Half of my Heart-John Mayer, I'm Yours-Jason Marez
Favorite place to be: Where ever you guys are and grandparents
Things you couldn't live with out (things not people): Blue Boo (blanket he has had since he was born), Emily's hair and paw print (given to use by the Vet who put her to sleep), 1st Pine Wood Derby car and trophies.
Best friends: Corey, my family, Cameron, Cade, Kaili, and Kaci
Goals for 2011: Be able to focus more on work, finish homework before dinner, read the Book of Mormon, and be nicer and not as bossy.
Habits to break in 2001: Stop saying "no" to everything Mommy asks, even though I am joking most of the time and going to do any way.