Jake spent the night with Nee last night and went and saw Wreck it Ralph so I slept in. They said it was an amazing movie-they both loved it. I am now jealous that I didn't go. :) I have the house to myself this morning so I decided to watch a little Fox news since I haven't for almost a week...you all know why I have taken a break from the news.
I have been watching it for about 30 minutes and it is depressing. The president's plan to help the economy is to raise taxes on the wealthy by $1.6 trillion (yes that is a "t") and by increasing the capitol gains tax by 25%. I feel blessed to not be rich and to not own a house. The housing market was supposedly on a slight up turn. That is about to change for the negative...
Nazi Nancy Peolosi (Aaron calls her Nazi Peolosi...okay, I will be honest I do too. But Aaron came up with it. It is a joke we don't really think she is a Nazi. A liberal is almost as bad though...that was a joke too so don't freak out) just had a press conference talking about how woman are finally feeling empowered because a record number of woman and minorities were elected this time around. I feel a little sorry for her. I have never not felt empowered. I never have really thought about it because I am appreciated for the role I have taken in our family. It was my choice to stay home-but we all agreed it was the best thing for our family. I am sure Nancy would think I am un-empowered because I have chosen to stay home. That is okay because I think she is a little crazy so it all irons out in the end. I just thought woman were smart to stay away from politics. I never knew we were not empowered.
I love Fox news. That will not change. I am a Conservative. That will not change. But I am going to limit my time here. I know that our country...our world, as we know it, is going to continue to change and disintegrate. I don't need to know all the details because I already know it is happening. It is a sign of the time. I am going to be meeting Jake and Nee in a little while so I am going to spend my time better. I am going to watch HGTV and pluck my eyebrows. :)
Here's to a couple of hours of alone time!