Friday, November 16, 2012

Our Classical Conversations Co-op

We have been having lots of fun with our Classical Conversations co-op the past couple of week.  We meet every Tuesday from 9:15-3:00 and learn a ton! We have foundations until lunch time and Essentials in the afternoon. During election week it was a little different.  We had election day off of course but we meet on Thursday and learned about some critters with the Kritter Keeper.  He was great and we had fun learning about lots of critters...

I love this sign...
I love Jake & his friend Carter's reaction to the scorpion.  He pulled a plastic one out at one point and threw it at the kids.  I have never seen people sitting down scatter so quickly.  He did it several times and we fell for it every time. 

After Kritter Keepers and lunch from Chik-fil-a we had a fall review.  We reviewed all the memory work we have learned in every subject so far this year.  I am amazed at how much and how quickly Jake has remembered all the information.  One week (wk 8) the history sentence was: "During the Age of Imperialism, the British established rule over India in 1858, and Queen Victoria was declared the Empress of India in 1877.  Before his assassination in 1948, Mohandas Gandhi led the passive resistance movement, which helped win India's independence."  That is one week in one subject and Jake has memorized all of it so far.  There are 7 subjects we memorize in & he remembers it all!!!  We are on week 11 and Jake is doing awesome.  He is going for Memory Master.  That means he is going to memorize all the information in every subject in our 24 weeks of memorization.  He can do it.  We played some fun games review and the kids had a great time.  They are all so smart!!!

This week in Foundations we dissected an owl pellet.  It was pretty awesome.  This is Jake's class-The Masters.  They are the oldest group and they range from 9-11.  Our essential's tutor was sick so we got to leave early.  The boys were dancing in the hall when they heard this-not that their tutor was sick but that they got to leave early.  Homeschoolers are just like public schoolers in that regard.  Everyone is excited for snow days, half days, or anything else that changes the normal routine and gets you out of school work!

A mouse skull...

Our homeschooling co-op is awesome!!!  Next year we will be aging out of this phase of Classical Conversations. :(  We will be on to bigger and better things.  But for now we are loving it!