Wednesday, August 15, 2012


(It is time for me to get caught up on some of the fun things we have done this summer...since technically it is over and we have started homeschooling.  The only way I am going to accomplish this is by posting like crazy for the next few days so bare with me.  This is going to be lots of pictures and a few words....)

Jake and I were leaving Walmart one day and noticed the nearby bowling alley was charging only a $1 a game so we decided we were going to do it! We totally rocked the shoes.

Jake's "lucky ball". (I use the term "lucky" loosely...)
Nice form!  I swear every game the ball gets heavier...This is Jake's new lucky ball because the other one wasn't really doing it for him.

My "lucky ball"...again I use the term loosely...But I did bowl a 100.  Awesome I know!

We had so much fun that we went back the next week and brought Jaxson and Erin with us. 

There was a lot of Harmon boy cousin bonding going on.  Jake has been waiting 10 years for another Harmon boy to join the family.  They are buddies.
Erin had a thumb injury (she had a cut on her finger and had to get a band aid because who wants to stick there finger in a bowling ball with several hundred other peoples germs in it?) so she had to bowl left handed.  It was quit impressive really, considering I am actually left handed and I can't even do it!
Jaxson is an obvious bowling fan as you can see from this picture.  (Erin gave up and went back to right handed...)
We were pretty sure he was having a dream about being a Ninja.
We decided that it must be the balls fault for our lack of strikes so we tried a whole bunch.  I did end up getting a Turkey, which means 4 strikes in a row.  But don't be too impressed I still only ended up with a 124 so that tells you how amazingly I played the rest of the game.
The classic Harmon Boy Cousin pose.  This one will be recreated several times and go down in history I am sure...I LOVE IT!  Not sure why but it is kind of awesome.
We ended up not even having to pay for our shoe rental the 2nd time we went because our lane was doing strange things (only putting up 6 pins, if we knocked down 9 pins it would only say we hit 6...) and they had to move us.  We had no problem moving and getting a great deal.  Have you been bowling lately?  No?  You should totally go.  I suggest a couple games with out the bumper and then as a confidence booster with bumpers.  It is an immediate confidence booster if you are a math geek like Jake and can use them to your benefit...I can still manage to hit nothing even with the bumpers.  But math genius's love them!