We opened gifts and Aaron was excited to get this t-shirt. Isn't that cute the brothers match.

All of the ladies were excited to get Snuggies! I gave one to Roz, Erin gave one to me, Roz gave one to Erin and Della gave one to Ranee. What are the chances of that?! The commercials are hysterical but I swear it is one of the best inventions ever!

I kind of forgot to take pictures of the actual gift opening. But this is what we gave the Martin's. I think they liked it!

And of course some Wii playing.

In true South Carolina fashion we ended up getting out the guns later in the weekend. I shot a hand gun and a rifle. I hit the clay things (whatever they are called) with both. Ranee got this great shot.

Jake found this awesome stick and had to have a picture of it for the memories.

The cousins. We missed you Sara, Kayla, and Megan!

While we were down for the weekend I went and got my eyes checked and ordered 2 new pairs of glasses all for $75! Aaron and Jake were wrestling and broke mine...They were being held together with super glue while I waited for my new ones to come in. I also got a gift certificate from Ranee to get my hair cut. I will post the new me soon!