Saturday, August 22, 2015

Summer Fun

Random stuff that happened this summer.  Each * is describing a picture....
*The weekend before my parents and Aunt Sheila got home, I spent one night (less than 24 hours) at my parents for some "me time". The picture with the bags is all I packed-several books, school stuff, clothes...I ended up watching Jane Eyre, and the episodes of Poldark I missed...and it was awesome!  *I made the guys cookies before I left because I am awesome like that.  *I also went to a Relief Society activity that I was asked to speak at.  The topic was to  pick my favorite talk from General Conference and discuss it. A few other ladies were asked to do the same and we had a great time. We all laughed and cried together all while eating brunch. *I was eating some Graham Crackers and noticed the back of the box gives you directions on how to make a s'more.  Who doesn't know how to make a s'more?  *The bottom picture is of a feather I actually say fall from the sky while on a walk.  I only heard the bird, I didn't see it...but I saw the feather fall which was much cooler.
*Jake had to take a picture of this water stain in the carport because he thought it looked like a dog pooping...and because he is a boy.  *The picture of the pictures and book case are my view from the love seat (my seat in the living room).  I love the distressed flag my old friend Laura Hutcheon made me.  *Aaron's Star Wars comic.  *Jake and I are officially obsessed with the flavored and carbonated water from Walmart.  Peach is the best.  *Jake had his first frozen lemonade, mixed with ice cream thingy from Chick-fil-a.  I can't remember what they call it but it is delicious.  *My Dr Seuss plant...or what is left of it.  My mom got me a much larger version of this and it quickly died.  I transplanted what was left...and it has since died. *One day we drove over to the fixer upper for Jake to cut the grass. Sadie was so excited because she got to come with us...but a little nervous because she had to sit in the back of the Jeep with the lawn mower. *Jake cutting the grass. *Sadie had to sit in front on the way home because she was very tired after our walk and just couldn't handle sitting with the lawnmower again.  She sat on the console in between us.
*We realized that having missed our trip to VT/NH, we also missed eating creamies.  So we went to McDonald because they have soft serve cones that surprisingly aren't that bad and are very cheap.  Jake liked it.  *And he shared it with Sadie.  I am a germ-a-phob, but that doesn't disgust me.  My dogs germs bother me much less than other peoples.

*Yep.  We did this again. This time with the Smith's.  This is what you do when you don't have a pool and you live in the South...and it is the hottest summer ever...and you want to go outside but you can't do it with out getting sprayed with a hose.

*Summer in the South: waiting in the parking lot at the grocery store to see if the rain will stop.  It will because it is just because of the humidity being soooo high the sky just can's hold it in any more. *Laundry day.  We bought new towels because our old ones were...old and we didn't have enough.  Now we have enough but they are all dirty.  *Jake and Aaron checking out something on the computer. *The Activity Day Girls sending mom and :we miss you: message when she was in VT. *Fruit pizza. Again.  *Riding the Rail Trail. Jake road his bike and I rented one.  Don't let this picture fool you-I was in the lead most of the time!

Gravatopia!!!  The greatest place ever!  We moms that watched decided that if they had a mom's night they would have to hand out Depends at the door because we would all be peeing our pants.  Oh to be young and have command of your bladder! This was after hours.  The people that own Gravatopia are members of the church and let the Youth from the Stake go jump for free from 9-10:30 a couple of Wednesday's ago.  Jake brought his friend Carter (Smith-he was one of the boys jumping on the trampoline at our house a couple of posts ago.  He has on the yellow shorts. Jake has on the green shirt and gray shorts) and of course met up with friends there. 

(I forgot....I am so out of order...This was the night of his first day of school. 8/5)

*Jake wanted a house key.  He has been wanting one for a long time. So while I was at Lowe's getting some paint (I am going to paint the hall and the bathroom) I decided to copy my key and they had Star Wars keys for 50 cents more than regular ones.  I was sold, but knew Aaron would be very jealous so I got one for him too.  Jake was happy. He has since lost it (he swears he will find it).  And this is why you don't really need a house key when you don't have a car key to attach it to.

*Jake slept in one morning (after having worked with Papa Harmon four days straight at the fixer upper house) so I made him breakfast in bed.
*We watched the first Republican debate.  We even made a chart so we could grade them on the things we wanted to hear him talk about.  I love Ben Carson.  I am becoming a bigger fan of Marco Rubio and shockingly I like Huckabee...I don't like him at all...but I did!  He was Jake's favorite too.  Aaron is holding his cards close to his chest and not saying who his pick is.

*Pico de gallooooh!  The rewards outweigh the risks.  I really did a dozy on my finger.  I cut off a good portion of my nail and several layers of skin under it. I was using the proper technique and everything! 

*We went with the Smith's to Greenville to a water park and it was tons of fun!

*We played Settler's Of Catan..and no they didn't plan to match.

We have had lots of fun this summer...Now bring on FALL!  Seriously...I am done with this heat.