Actually that isn't true. I feel like I am dying a slow death. Asthma + respiratory infection = feeling like you are dying. The awesome part is that I am on my 2nd day of a z-pack (not even sure how you spell that and I am not going to get up to check. The strong antibiotics that you only take for 5 days) and now I at least have enough breath cough up the stuff that is in my lungs. This is probably too much information but seeing it is the last day of life as we know it, according to the Mayan calendar, I am going to keep it real people. Breathing is a magnificent thing-don't ever forget that. Jake has basically played video games, built with Lego's, watched TV, and taken Sadie out (we are at my parents house until next week so she has to be walked on a leash 153 times a day since there is no fenced in back yard and the neighbors might frown upon a crazy dog running loose) the past 48 hours because I have been in the bed. Aaron felt so bad for me he bought me a 2 liter bottle of Dr. Pepper. That is love people. Yes, I know I said we were cutting way back on soda but when you feel like you are dying you are allowed to drink it. That is a rule that we will strongly enforce in our family from here on out. Feeling like you are dying = drinking soda if it makes you feel better...especially since eating requires too much energy when you can't breath.
But back to the point of this post. I am sure some of you got the reference to the REM song in the title, which I hate by the way, but I thought it would be fun to document some things I have been wanting to say but haven't and can't put off any longer since this could technically be my last chance to do it. There can be no regrets on the last day of life as we know long as you are still holding up the values and morals you believe in. I am not going to go out and start breaking the commandments or anything. I am just going to tell you how I feel...Which is really not unlike any other day for me but it is a good excuse to ramble...So ramble I shall!
*I am getting tired of looking at all the hoochie mama clothes that people are posting on Pinterest. They seem to be posted by good LDS girls (yes girls not women-they are late teens/early 20's and if they are posting these clothes they are girls...) and they are so immodest. I am thinking of going on Pinterest today and commenting on these pins that yes it would be "a perfect outfit" if the girl in the picture went up a size and added a minimum of 6 inches to the skirt. Just because you still have your girlish figure doesn't mean the world needs to see you underwear and/or bra line because your clothes are so tight. Leave a little to the imagination. And if a dress is so short if you were standing on a stage that people could like up it without even a head tilt, I would hate to see you sit in it. I am going to do it today...It is the end of the world as we know it. I am going to go on Pinterest right now and I guarantee there will be an immodest pin that a good little LDS girl posted as "loving this look!" or something like that and I am going to comment on it...Be back in a minute....Okay, task completed. I just found a pin that a sweet little LDS girl pinned. It was a Navy blue dress that was TIGHT and so short that the girl in the pictures butt checks had to be uncovered when she was sitting! I commented that it was cute but needed at least 6 more inches in length and that there was no way the girl could sit in it. Ahhh. That was refreshing! I know that girls mother would never let her wear that in public but sometimes you don't listen to your mother so maybe that comment will make her think a little...
*We love pizza. Who doesn't When we lived in Fletcher NC we were spoiled to have the worlds best pizza place (that no longer exists because the owners moved back to Iowa to be closer to family and if I had the money I would have bought all their recipes for top dollar) and we miss it terrible. We have since been on the search for good pizza to no avail. I could go for some really good pizza if this is going to be dooms day...
*It isn't just that song by REM I don't like. I don't like their music in general. At all. Sorry to any REM fans out there I just can't take it.
* I also hate when people pin pictures of people cuddling or kissing with a comment like *sigh* in the comment line. I unfollowed one sweet little LDS girls board entitled "One Love" because all she pinned on it is people in immodest clothing cuddling, kissing, laying all over each other, and other things of that nature. I know this girl is a good girl so it makes me sad to see her posting things that are inappropriate.
*I blame 25% of the "fiscal cliff" problem on Liberals Politicians. 10% on Republican politicians who have let all this spending go on to long. And last but not least 65% on liberals who were dumb enough to vote all those liberals in in the first place. Common sense is no where to be found in our society. All these people that think the government should give us everything and feel "entitled" need to wake up. Let's see how much our government does for everyone if the economy gets worse. In fact if I am going to keep it real on this fine doomsday than let me tell you how I really feel. I think Obama would like things to get worse so he can have more power to try to fix it and to make us more dependent on a corrupt government and when we have no other options but to rely on them they will have us waiting in line for bread.
*I just finished reading
The Hobbit and I liked it. I don't think I loved it...I think I am too much in a Jane Austen girly book phase to have loved it. I am reading C.S. Lewis'
The Problem of Pain now. I feel both dumb and smart when I read it. I am only like a chapter in so far. He was a genius and it makes me feel smart to be reading is opinions. It makes me feel dumb because I don't even understand all that I am reading....I think I am more on the level of
The Chronicles of Narnia. :)
*My favorite shows on TV are Duck Dynasty, Good Luck Charlie, anything on the Fox News Channel. I would definitely want to watch them today if the power was to go out long term. HGTV has lost some of my respect. They run the same 3 or 4 shows over and over again it seems...Although the other day I did watch House Hunters Renovation (or something like that) and it was pretty good. Only problem is it comes on at 10pm and is an hour long...
*I am slightly disappointed with the NRA and I am usually on their side. Armed security in every school in America? Where is that money going to come from? I think anyone working in the office of schools should be armed. Seriously I do. Give them a small pay increase for the added responsibility, teach them how to use the gun, and get them their concealed car permit. If crazy people knew the people meeting them at the door where armed than they would go some where else to commit a mass murder. For the record: more gun laws or gun bans will in no way make this problem go a way. Crazy people don't need a gun to kill you-they will use what ever they can get their hands on. Since the school shooting last week there have been a couple more shootings stopped because someone else had a gun and the bad guys changed their mind and only used their gun on themselves not on the crowd they were planning on killing...but don't expect to hear about that in the liberal media. If they let that truth out than how would they ever get guns banned? ***Update: I just saw what the guy from the NRA said and I do think he is right. Lets cut the money from some where else and pay for the armed guards in schools...****
*One more thing...This started out at a fun way to ramble and declutter my brain but I am now growing concerned that it may in fact be the end of the world as we know it...Obama choose today of all days to make it official that John Kerry is his pick for Secretary of State...I wish I had prepped more.