Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It really is amazing... taking the day off can make your house look like a small tornado went through it. The sad part is Jake and I were the only ones home today! We had a LAZY day.  Today we started our Thanksgiving break!  I LOVE Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite holiday in my favorite season...{sigh}...If only the weather would cooperate and let it feel like fall....Any way back to the house being a wreck.  It will really only take a little while to get in order.  Not has never been perfect.  There is something in side of me that will not let every area of my house be perfect.  Think of Monica on Friends and her perfectly in order house with one extremely cluttered closet...Then picture a not as perfect house with a pile on the kitchen counter, a basket of "stuff" in our room and Jake's that doesn't have a home...You get the picture right?  I am a less neurotic version of her.  There have been phases in my life that I have done a great job of hiding it.  I am not there right now.  I organized a room...all except that pile of papers (usually having some connection to homeschooling or couponing), I will deal with later and I will just stuff this "stuff" in my desk drawers.  There now it looks neat and organized and I feel slightly better than before!  I would feel great if it was really all done completely but I can"t bring myself to do it.  Am I the only one that does this?  I will spend the day, for example last Tuesday, switching bedrooms and organize everything...except that one basket of "stuff" and that reusable grocery bag of "more stuff that really doesn't have a home and probably never will" that I can just stick in the back corner of the other wise organized closet.  And then it spreads to the top of my dresser.  The cute little basket that is there to hold the things I need to put away is now over flowing.  Why do I do that?  I remember our house in Fletcher,  It was the perfect size and sometimes I thought I was pretty organized.  Everything had a place (in theory).  I didn't have to move the furniture around because it was perfect the way it was.  I really loved my little house, the colors I painted it, the layout, everything...But...You were waiting for that right?  The closet (if not the room itself) in the spare bedroom was always stuffed to the max.  I would put the stuff in plastic bins to make it look organized and then I would just end up stuffing more stuff in the cracks as I found the need.  I guess what I am trying to say is.  I hate stuff.  And yet I still have it. EVERYWHERE. Why is that?  I feel like I have probably posted about this before...or at least I have in my head.  The voice inside my head is pretty much just a brain blog, so sometimes I can't remember if it blogged about it in my head or here.  But even if I did blog about it here, I feel like it is worth being said again because I haven't changed the way I deal with stuff.  I try to hide it to make myself feel better.  Why can I not finish the job?  Most of the time half of the stuff we actually need (and just need to find it a home or put it in it's home) and the other half we don't and never did.  I didn't plan on typing all this when I sat down.  I was just going to vent about why being lazy as a mom doesn't work.  The sink has rinsed dishes in it just waiting for the dishwasher to be emptied.  There is all sorts of stuff on the cocoa table-papers, the cover to the Kirby Returns to Dreamland Wii game we rented today (that is really fun and so cute by the way), and other...stuff.  I don't make resolutions because for me that is just a sure way not to accomplish whatever it is I want to do.  I am going to make 2012 the year of SIMPLIFYING  (I did everything I could to the word so it would stand out so I won't forget.) I am going to get rid of our stuff and really be organized.  I need to make a plan to accomplish this task...I will add it to the list of things I need to do...Now where is that list?  Probably stuffed in my desk drawer. :)  Just kidding I am not that unorganized, it's in my planner.  What is in my desk drawers you ask? No idea. Right now I am not going to worry about that.  I am going to go de-tornado-ize the house.  I will start by unloading the dishwasher, emptying the sink, and then I will make a plan for getting organized and Simplifying (I now that doesn't have to be capitalized I just think it should be because it is just that important). No,actually I will leave the planning for tomorrow.  I need to go to bed...This post is yet another random mess.  Just clearing out the noggin again.  If you have any ideas for Simplifying and decluttering (and yes I know that isn't right either, but if you know me, you know that is just one of my words!)  let me know...I will take anyone's suggestions since I have seemed to be in an organizing funk. :)