Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11, 2001. I remember....

...just like it was yesterday, but really it was nine years ago. I remember being a brand new Mommy, to a brand new 2 week old baby boy. I remember thinking what is this little person going to have to deal with in his life, if on his 2 week birthday, the Twin Towers were brought crashing to the ground? I remember wondering if he would ever know a life with out seeing this kind of horror committed toward innocent people in his own free country. I remember feeling helpless and wondering to what lengths we would have to go to protect him. Now fast forward 9 years, to today and I remember the people who died that day. I also think of all the people that have put their life on the line daily, to protect mine...And my sons, who is 9 years, and 2 weeks old today. Thank you to all the troops who have been fighting to stop this from happening again. I know the President says the war is over, but I am sure the 50,000 troops still in Iraq and their families, who pray every second of every day that they will see them again, don't think it is over. I am thankful for the Government agencies that have worked tirelessly to stop this same thing from happening over and over again. I wonder how many other 9/11's they have stopped from happening that we don't even know about. I am thankful for the fireman and police officers who stand ready everyday to help us and protect us. I remember the ones who did just that 9 years ago today and died doing it. I remember so much from that day that I know I will never forget and I will not let my son forget. I don't want to forget because, when we all forget we will be opening ourselves up to it all over again. I will always remember that my family was blessed to be born in a free country that only has one 9/11 to remember, one Pearl Harbor. Today I am going to say an extra prayer for all those who have to live with that fear ever day. I am going to say a prayer of thanks that I am an American, and that we only have to remember one 9/11. I am also going to pray that it never happens again.