Thursday, September 20, 2012

The good, the bad, and the ugly...and even uglier.

The Good:  I lost 8.4 pounds in 9 days.  I signed up for Weight Watchers.  :)  But I am probably going to have to stop going already because of "the bad" and "the ugly".

The Bad:  I went to get our prescriptions today (Aaron's insurance for his new job kicked in) and found out that we have to pay for them (100%-not a co-pay) until we reach our deductible...which is $6000.  If you are wondering if I put too many 0's that is six thousand dollars.  The inhaler I use to control my asthma costs $250.  Jake's asthma/allergy pill costs $110.  Those are the only ones I got today.  His inhaler costs $130ish-luckily he has some of his other left so we can wait for the next paycheck for that one.  Awesome. (If you are wondering if we can afford it the answer is NO.  Who could?! That is almost $500 a month!!!!)  Oh, I forgot I did pay $4 for the medicine I take for my PSOC.  The one medicine that I could stop taking because it doesn't help me breath or anything really important....that is the one that is $4. :)

The Ugly: They faces I was making in the car, in the parking lot of Target...while people were walking by, as I was bawling my eyes out.  I am sure it was not pretty.

And even uglier: finding out why my inhaler costs so much money.  It turns out, according to an insurance agent (...I talked to while trying to find different insurance...assuming we can even drop Aaron's work insurance...which we probably can't), that was offering me insurance that isn't major medical (Jake and I will have to pay LOTS of $$ for private insurance since we have a preexisting condition) we can get our medicine for free with them.  Does that sound too good to be true to you, because it does to me.  They will send us forms that we can then fill out and send to the people that make the medicine.  All we have to do is tell them we don't have insurance and we can get it for free!  I asked them if it would be lying since we would if we got insurance from them and they told me no.  They said "No it is a loophole.  You have insurance that doesn't cover it so it is like you don't have insurance".  Huh?....Nope that is lying to get something for free.  And that my friends is why people like me have to pay $250-to make up for all the people that cheat the system and get it for free.

Welcome to the new norm in America.  I heard on the news that Obama is trying to bypass the Congress to let people on welfare get more money for doing things like running their own errands, cleaning their house, and writing in a journal.  Come again?!  I do those things because I am an adult and that is what I am supposed to do.  I don't want the government to pay me for it and I would really love it if they stopped paying people to be slackers.  I said it.  Mitt said it too and I am so glad he did.  I am sad that more people aren't happy he did.  People need to wake up and start worrying a little more about what is happening to our country and less about if talking about it is politically correct.