Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wow...Was that brave or stupid?

What would you do if you pinned an amazing quote, by an amazing man, onto your Pinterest "I am a Mormon" board, and came back later to have 28 comments about it?  Not good comments...except a couple (thank you!).  I was SHOCKED!!!!  What else could I do but comment in a non-offensive way and defend my beliefs?  I hope it wasn't offensive...If you have time go here and read the madness that occurred. You just have to scroll down after the quote.  Then read my comment and let me know if I made it worse or better...Part of me is hoping that  no one who made these comments will even go back and look again.  There were a few other members (that I don't know) of the church that defended it in a not so nice way.  They got their feelings hurt and got sucked into the argument.  I felt the need to end the discussion since it is my pin board!!!!  By the way here is the quote that had people up in arms:
I think that a women could feel guilty if they read this quote is if you choose to work.  A lot of  women have to work in this economy.  If you choose to work for an ego boost or for all the extras in life(not the necessities-I am talking the things you don't need but just want)  and make your family 2nd priority, than maybe this would make you feel guilty and even offended...I don't get it...But then again I know President Hinckley was NOT a sexist.  He had an amazing love and respect for women. I also know my divine nature and what I am here in this life to do.  President Hinckley  knew (knows...) that there is NO ONE more capable of nurturing a child than that child's mother.  Notice I said nurturing-I believe 100% it takes a mother and father to RAISE a child.  Okay...I am just rambling now but I can't believe people got so worked up about a quote I like and they don't even have to read if they don't want to!  Crazy...

Here is the catch.  Right after reading and responding I decided to check out my friend Melissa's blog since I haven't read it in a while...This is what her latest post was about. Not the same scenario,  but it made me think I should have "LET IT GO".  Should I have read this post before I responded on Pinterest?...

I am pretty sure that what I did was stupid but I felt brave doing it.  Have you done anything in your life that made you feel brave...or you had to be brave to do it?  If so what's your story?  Check out what other people had to say about being brave over at Cocoa's Wordfull Wednesday.