Monday, October 10, 2011

2 for 1 Book Review

I just finished reading My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George and The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  I read one for Jake's blog book club and another for a woman's group book club.  Can you guess which is which? :)  They are obviously at 2 ends of the spectrum and one I would suggest everyone should read and the other I would not!

My side of the Mountain is about a boy who decides to run away to his great-great-(I think it was 2 greats) grandfathers land in the Catskills and live off of it.  He manages to make it through a winter, make some wonderful new friends (human and not), and even trained a baby hawk to hunt for him.  It is a great book and there are 2 more in the series that I can't wait to read.  He lives in a large old tree that he finds a rotten spot in and digs and burns it out to make an impressive home.  He makes clothes out of deer skin and rabbit fur and works to get a supply of food and firewood that will last through the winter.  Jake wants to go camping and live off the land for a few days...We will bring back up because the amount of research this boy did to survive would take us months to do!
And I don't love the idea of not using a tent at least.  This book really did make me think about what I truly need to survive and what I think I need.  Could I live without my Kindle? Yes, but I really don't want to.  Could I live in a hollowed out tree?  I would like to say yes if I had to, but that is probably not true.  I have some work to do before I can live off the land...or even without electricity!  Read this book-you will love it!

Have you read the Help or seen the movie?  I wanted to see the movie...but now I am not so sure.  There are some parts in the book I am afraid may be in the movie and I don't really want to see them!

I really did like the book. It is crazy to think that people believed they could catch diseases from using the same toilet that black people used.  What is even crazier is to think it was only 50 years ago!  We have come a long way since that time. 

I loved that different chapters were from the perspective of different characters.  I loved each of the characters and their flaws.  They were all so courageous and inspiring.  I don't really have to get into the plot because unless you live under a rock you have heard about this book/movie. 

This book has great lessons in it.  For that reason I would say it is a good read...But there is some language and one part that is pretty vulgar.  The language, although not something I enjoyed, is understandable (for the time period, culture, and "worldliness"...for lack of a better way to put it...) but the vulgar part (although probably a realistic representation, unfortunately, of things that happen in this crazy world...) could have been left out in my point of view...But at the same time it was important to the story...I won't go into detail but it basically is about Minny (a black lady that is "the Help" for a rich white lady named Miss Celia. Celia married "up" and is from the country so she doesn't have the walls between the races built up that all the other characters do) defending the white lady that she works for.  Then Miss Celia ends up defending Minny and saving her life.  Let me put it this way-not many people would have defended their "help" against an attack.  I am torn.  I don't want to tell you to read it because there are definitely parts that are offensive.  But it is a wonderful reminder of where we were as a country and how far we have come. Use you own judgment on this one.  I almost hate to admit I liked it...but I did.  It is our history.  Will I read it again? No. Once was enough for me so that means it doesn't make it to my list of classics (books you want to read over and over).  Have you seen the movie?  If you have let me know if you think I should see it.  I have heard it was wonderful and a must see.  I am just wondering if the one scene is in the movie-though I don't know they could have done it without giving it an R-rating.

One classic and one good read.  Not a bad week for reading!  My problem now is what to read next.  I am reading to study (Founding Brothers by Joseph J. Ellis...I came back to this one.  I had to give my brain a rest because the guy who wrote this is way smarter than I am and The Book of Mormon)-I just need a reading for pleasure book.  I think I will be reading the next Anne Shirley book...I need a little bit of innocence and joy after reading the Help. :)