Friday, October 21, 2011

Della's Visit

I would like you to meet Della (this is when she figured out the "bird"-we use that term loosely because it really doesn't look much like a bird-Tangram):
If you have followed my blog for a while than you know she is my niece. Or if you read my last post you will see her in all the fair pictures! :)  Della is Aaron's older sister, Ranee's 2nd daughter.  Did you follow that? She is just over a year older than Jake (Jake was 10 the end of Aug. & Della was 11 the beginning of July.) and I have the cutest picture of her holding him when he was 4 days old.
Any way! Jake and Della are good buddies and she happened to have a teachers workday today so she came to spend a couple of nights with us.  We did a very light day of homeschooling today so they would have time to have all kinds of fun.  We just did Family Math and Art.  Cocoa over at Chocolate on my Cranium did this post on 3D drawing and I have been waiting for the perfect chance to do it.

We like to sharpen both ends of our colored pencils so they are always ready to use.  I love this shot of Jake.  His pencil was moving so fast it is blurry!.

I think I had the most fun doing it...They didn't finish theirs.  This is in the process...
.....Then we took a break and went to the park.
Sadie couldn't resist the kiddos playing with out her so she learned how through the tube...

...and down the slide.  I don't know if she really liked it but she did it a couple of times to make everyone happy.

When we got back to the house they played the Wii, while I finished my 3D hand-that I love so much I laminated it.  Seriously, I really did laminate it...and I put it on the fridge because it has been a really long time since I had a picture on the fridge.  I wish I took a picture of Della and Jake looking at my picture on the fridge and saying it looked so professional.  (That made me happy).  I think they are just jealous that they didn't finish theirs yet and get it put up on the fridge. :)

I also made some very cool chore magnets, (I made mine a little different but it is the same idea). I got the idea on Pinterest.  Jake is saving up his money to buy a riffle (guess who gave him that idea? Daddy) and he doesn't get paid an allowance (we have done it in the past but not so much lately.  There are things you just have to do to live in our house and there isn't always time to do more than that to earn money...because lets face it there are much more fun things to do than more work. :) ), so the money doesn't add up very quickly.  I decided to make the magnets so Jake can look on the fridge and decide to do an "extra chore" for cash.  You know all the ones I don't want to do. :)  I have things like "27 Fling Boogie"-have you heard of that?  (Check out this awesome decluttering and house cleaning website.  I used to do this tried to do it once but fizzled out...Some day I will be that organized)  You go in a room (Jake would only be allowed to do this in his room because I don't want him tossing my stuff!) and find 27 things to throw away to clear out the clutter.  If he does that he gets $1.00!  He gets 50cents if he "dirties a rag".  That means he has to get a white cleaning rag and clean stuff until the rag is dirty!  Depending on what room he goes in, it may not take that long... :) I love this idea and Jake is pretty psyched about it too.  There is one that says "Mom's choice" and one that says "Dad's choice".  He gets $1 for each-but he doesn't get to know what it is ahead of time and he has to do it.  I hope he picks this one first because I HATE this chore:
 We just got done eating calzones and watching the cutest movie, that if you can find, you should totally watch.  It is by Disney and is called "The Secret of the Magic Gourd" (or as Jake kept calling it "gorge"...).  We saw it at our local video store and it looked and sounded so good.  We had never heard of it and found out why once it started playing.
See how cute Baily and the frog are!
It must have been made in Japan and then they dubbed the English over it-which was pretty funny at first but it was sooo good.  You will laugh out loud (at a little frog running on it's back legs like a human) and has a great message.  I am assuming in Japan they have a legend of the Magic Gourd.  Whoever finds it can make all the wishes it wants.  The boy in it, Raymond  (who is probably in the 6th grade or so-I am guessing), finds it while fishing and can't believe his luck.  Raymond wishes for all sorts of things like getting good grades, but the Gourd uses his magic to take all the writing off a smart girls paper in the class-including her name. Raymond gets accused of cheating-which he did.  He says he loves all the toys at the toy store so they all end up in his bedroom.  He gets on the swim team but Bailey (the Gourd) helps him swim super fast.  Finally the boy realizes that even with the help of a magic gourd you can't accomplish anything with out hard work.  I won't tell you the ending because you have got to watch it.  I did snap a couple of pictures just because we couldn't get over how cute the darn Gourd and Frog were.  Yes, I know I take too many picture, but I know it sounds like a crazy movie!  We figured if you see the Raymond, you will fall in love with his cuteness and want to go rent it!  I hope you can find it because it is so worth it. :)