Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Scooter Wreck and an Attitude Adjustment. It was a good day...

I had a scooter wreck today. I didn't start out on the scooter. I was riding a bike (Mom's beach cruiser) and then Jake decided he wanted to ride it. So, we switched. Bad idea. I was doing awesome of course, until I started to go around a corner and I heard this little voice in my head (the Spirit) say "STOP!". I really thought about it...For that half a second and was going to, but it didn't work out so well. I busted. Isn't it funny how these things always happen in slow motion. Why is that any way? So, your brain can fully register how bad this could be and then you can sigh and say "I'm...(looking yourself over to make sure it really is true) OKAY!". The person your with always thinks you are saying it to them, but really it is to yourself in disbelief that you are actually alive. My right knee hit first, then my right elbow and then my "unhelmeted" (made up word I know) head. I heard "MOMMY!" being screamed some where in front of me as I exclaimed my "I'm okay!" and realized I felt a little nauseous. I then thought how pitiful it would be to have to call in sick to work because I have a concussion...from a scooter wreck. Luckily I didn't have to do that. I was okay! And I spent 8 lovely hours on U-Scan. That is where the attitude adjustment comes in. I decided to not let U-Scan get to me today. I wasn't going to get annoyed. I was going to think positive thoughts. I tried to pick out something good about everyone that came to U-Scan the moment they got there, so I wouldn't let bad thoughts creep in. Here is the great part: IT WORKED! Even when a man got so upset at the U-Scan talking to him (it repeats the same thing when you are messing up...over and over again), he threw his groceries down and his girlfriend/wife(?), covered her face and told him to calm down...I seriously thought he was going to hit her as he started dropping the F-bomb and other bad words. This is a true story and no it isn't usually that bad at U-Scan...but it happened today. And I only momentarily had a bad attitude. I immediately thought: you are a BIG JERK DUDE! But, then I thought what could have happened to make this guy so angry? I don't want to be like that so...I thought positive. I took a deep breath and nicely told another man who's money wouldn't go into the machine "I am sorry I didn't notice you needed help. I couldn't see you behind the man who was cussing so loud." That broke the tension and I went on with my day. It was a good day. I spent the morning with Jake having fun playing and doing chores. (Which obviously was the BEST part of the day. I even made up a new nickname for Jake today: Gross-o Gross-o...but that is another very goofy story for another day) I spent a whole 8 hours thinking good thoughts at the U-Scan. And my knee only hurt a little until I got home and realized how swollen it really is and finally had the chance to sit down, and it stiffened up so bad I wanted to cry. But seriously it really was a good day. My life is awesome! I think I am going to pray for that Jerk...I mean man with some serious emotional issues AND his significant other tonight...I had a break through today! I didn't hate every minute of U-Scan! I am excited to go on Thursday (I am exaggerating, I really am not that excited that I want to skip right over my day off!) and see it I can do it again or if I really did just have a concussion and that is what actually got me through it... :)