We went to the Monroe airports Veteran's Day (THANK YOU VETERAN'S!! Just picture this with a red, white, and blue background) airshow and it was fun. I grew up going to airshows all summer. Jake has been to a couple now and just this morning said he wanted to go to another one. This is Jake in the cockpit of the "Candy Bomber". Never heard of it? Google it-it is a cool story.

Jake in front of our favorite plane

Jake and my mom. Jake is pretending to be holding a gun because this was during the grand finale when they were reenacting Pearl Harbor...and he is a boy. That is what they do...

Jake and my dad. My Dad is a Veteran! Thanks Dad! (Jake's t-shirt is from the last air show we went to. My Dad took Aaron and Jake to ride on a Huey, like the ones he was a gunner on in Vietnam.)

"Grizzly Adams did have a beard!" If you can tell me what movie I just quoted than you ROCK! Aaron and Jake.

Can you really go to something like this and not get FUNNEL CAKES!..

..and Nachos!

The fam. in front of a Black Hawk

Carving the pumpkin

This is the part when backwards gets confusing. This is Jake taking a bit of the very first pumpkin pie he (or I-I don't do pies.) ever made. You will see the whole process...backwards. (the burnt crust is my fault. I didn't know you were supposed to cover them with tin foil)

Jake and his new teacher Ms. Swanson. I went in and helped plant bulbs and flowers.

Jake wearing Nee's Halloween costume when were decorating.

When we got to Jake's new school we found out they were getting ready to have a field day and all the classes had made their shirts to match. We missed that part so we found out the colors and made our own (and 2 pillow cases too). Tie dyeing rocks by the way. Jake's was the best if I do say so myself! (we used rubber bands and bottles and it made all the difference!)


Jake missed the last day and a half of school at his old school due to walking pneumonia. He wasn't really sleeping. Just feeling not so good. Poor boy didn't even get to tell his class goodbye!

Jake's last shower in his cool space themed bathroom.

The rainbow I saw leaving Jake's old school for the last time.

My last duty as a board member (I was in charge of "Awards and Appreciations") on the PTO at Jake's old school. We made popcorn every Wed. for the teachers.