I dropped my beloved camera and broke it a few months ago. I have been using Aaron's horrible old work one ever since...Until today! I saw a camera on sale that called out my name...Well, actually let me back up a few days. On Saturday Jake and I were at Sam's club and I bought a really cheap, (turns out in more ways than one), camera! I was so excited. Until I brought it home. I worried it seemed a little cheaply made. Aaron asked me what drew me to it. Was it the price tag or was this really the camera I wanted? Well, I took a couple of pictures and realized I hated that cheap camera so I returned today. Aaron told me he was going to buy me one for Christmas any way, so not to worry!..Now back to my wonderful camera. Jake and I were at Target waiting for his prescription to be filled and we were just looking around. And there it was. My new camera, on sale for a great price. It was a cheap price but not cheap in quality! I took several pictures with it in Target and fell in love. Don't get me wrong. This is not a fancy expensive camera. But it does what I need it to do. It fits in my purse (Aaron says I should really call it an overnight bag. All my "purses" are big, but I have everything you could possible need in it. I will prove that to you soon, right here on my blog.) It takes pictures right when I turn it on, rather than waiting for it to warm up or something. It also takes pictures that aren't blurry or so delayed people are walking a way before it even takes it! I am so happy. Jake isn't as thrilled as I am. I think it is because I made him pose for a few...okay, fine a lot of pictures. Here are a few of them. I know I am not a photographer, but humor me people. These are pictures that I just snapped and was happy with! You can't do that with just any camera. Definitely not cheap ones or old junkie work ones. Thanks Aaron! I love my Christmas present!
I just had to see if it would focus close up because the old camera never would have!

Just looking up at the pretty trees

My new camera has the squares that pop up to show you what it is focusing on. I wanted to see if it would still focus quickly if I tilted it. It did! Love that face.

Is Jake a cute boy or what? He was waiting for me to feed him in this one...

I took a picture of Emily when Jake started getting annoyed. She is so shiny. I love that dog. She doesn't care if I take her picture.

Just had to see how close up I could get! Jake is excited because I just heard that drinking hot drinks or eating hot soups helps wash virus germs out of your mouth and into your stomach. Supposedly your stomach acid kills a lot of them so he is drinking hot cocoa every night! If this isn't true don't tell me...(I keep thinking how come your stomach acid doesn't kill the stomach virus..), I enjoy imagining that hot cocoa takes care of germs! Any help my germ-a-phob self gets with germs is a good thing.

I can't help it. He is such a photogenic kid! Yes, I did feed him eggo waffles for dinner...Aaron isn't here during the week so easy works.

And here he is ignoring me...I got the picture and put the camera a way...