Emily loves Aaron's parents house. She can roam the woods and play with her "cousin" Penny. We got home at about 2:30 this afternoon and Emily has been sleeping the whole time.She is worn out from playing all weekend. This Penny "helping" by carrying (chewing on) one of the kiddos water bottles.

The cousins working on a fort in the woods. They were going to make a tree house but since they already have one that Papa made them, they started a fort. They also had some adventures down in Pine Cone Valley.

Nana (Aaron's mom) insn't always a fan of having her picture taken so I have to sneak them.

Aaron and Papa Harmon (Aaron's dad) getting the turkey in the fryer.

They even struck a pose for me!

While the turkey was frying and lots of other yummy things were cooking, I enlisted the help of the cousins on batch #4 of rolls.

They came out perfect!

And so did the turkey!

Is your mouth watering?..mine is.

While the men watched over the turkey breast (Nana didn't want to cook all weekend so she made extra that day. Smart lady!)...

..We ladies cooked and planned our attack for black Friday. Two of my awesome sister-in-laws (Ranee and Erin) with the newspaper inserts!

The "feast" as Jake calls it!

The leaning tower of rolls...

The kiddos had their own special plates. I love compartment plates.

The kids table.

Look at all that food...

Check out the size of these plates. They are those big holiday cookie plates. No need to go back for seconds with these plates!

And of course dessert! (I forgot to take a picture of us all sitting at the table...)

The inevitable afternoon naps...This is when Ranee, Erin, and I slipped out the door to head to Old Navy for some pre-black Friday shopping!

My "original" family (Erin is new to the family and made the mistake of saying "I wonder if my family is eating turkey again". My brother-in-law quickly reminded her, as only Jeremy can, that we are her family and yes we are eating turkey. So, we created the term "original family") was in Uraguay (how do you spell that...) celebrating 4 birthdays and of course Thanksgiving. Happy Birthdays Sam, Anika, Tina, and Ben! We miss you and love you!