Mission completed!
This was our first stop: Academy Sports. It was 4:50 am and cold when we arrived. We were standing in line and I had to document the occasion. I had to prove I was in fact stupid enough to actually have done it. I pulled my camera out and Ranee started laughing and saying "this is so stupid!" She meant taking the picture, not the being up insanely early...Did I mention we could have bought this stuff on line?
Erin and Ranee laughing as I took the picture. They will ask me for it later...they always do.

Ranee and Me. Ranee looks all dressed up and nice. She had to go to work after this. I rolled out of bed and called it good. I planned on rolling back in bed when I got back home, but the shopping adrenaline wouldln't let me!

This is us leaving the store with all the things we came for! And who do you think said we needed to take a picture with our bags in front of the store? Ranee...That's right, not so stupid after all! (I was going to take the picture any way but I had to remind her that she had just said it was stupid!) Erin and me with our purchases.

We also went and stood in an insanely long line at Target and got what we needed. We were literally texting eachother-"I got the (fill in the blank with a Christmas gift that can not be devulged)!" "Did you find the (you get the picture right?)? Grab it for me!" We are such pros. Kudos to their employees! We were at the back of the store in a line that wrapped all the way around in almost a circle to check out and we only waited like 30 minutes! We had so much time left over we swung over to Walmart. It was about 6:30 and the chaos was already over there.
We had enough time to enjoy a nice breakfast at Denny's. It really is all about the memories not the shopping. Only Ranee could get me out of bed at 4:10 to buy things that I could buy online. I have done the whole Black Friday thing, but only in Spartanburg with that crazy women! This was Erin's first Black Friday and she is already planning for next year. We are making memories here people! :)

We came home to find our husbands working hard at the house...Good job guys!