Monday, July 28, 2014

Our 4th Home: Jake's Room

Last Friday after two garbage bags...
An over flowing container of clothes that Jake has out grown (which means he has no fall/winter wardrobe to speak of)...
...a couple of coats of paint...
...some distressing...
...hanging of pictures...
...and posters...
....blood, sweat, and tears...And Jake's room is finally done.  Completely. Unpacked.  Maybe a little organizing in the future.  But for now it is DONE!!!!!  And is so cool, just like the boy who inhabits it. :)

Jake's ceilings are pretty cool.  The other rooms have patterns but his is just random swirls.  We thought they kind of looked like the waves in Japanese art.

It is so him and he loves it!
And we love him. :)