No, that isn't true...She is less responsible....That is as good as it is going to get! I didn't think she could remember that even though she was allowed on the chair, she isn't allowed on the couches. Turns out she can. :) Sadie really is a very smart dog, but she held onto to her puppy phase longer than our other dogs. I really noticed she was an adult about a month ago. She started sleeping the morning away and seemed more relaxed. She is a very good dog. A little neurotic about squirrels, but good. But, I still didn't let her on the chair until Jake reminded me that she knows she can get on his bed, but not our bed. So yesterday, at the age of 2 1/2, Miss Sadie has graduated to the dog chair. It is such a comfortable chair and some day I will will recover it and banish all dogs from it, but for now it is back to being the dog chair. Today Jake and I were in his room playing with Lego's and guess where Sadie was? All the way on the other side of the house in the school room, sleeping in her chair. That makes me happy. She is no dummy... :)
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Our dog chair...
Way back in 1999, Aaron and I went set out to buy some furniture. We had been married for 2 years and the only furniture we had bought up to that point was a kitchen table and chairs for $150. Aaron wanted leather couches and we settled on forest green. Yep, we were totally styling (that was popular then I swear).
They matched our kitchen counter tops, which was perfect for our very first home that was little and
had an open floor plan. I feel in love with a chair (also stylish for
it's time...not so much now)...and sense Aaron spoils me, we got it
too. When we got this furniture we had one dog. My Daisy...She was a
Basset Hound that didn't know she was a Basset Hound. Example: she
would jump over the back of the couch. Yep-crazy. She was my first
baby....but Daisy is a story for another day! She was allowed on the
couch. And she loved this chair. Several years later we got Emily, she was my 3rd baby (Jake came before her, and he of course was my first real baby). She was allowed on the couch and chair until she became full grown (an 100 lab-she wasn't fat, she was just big), at which point Aaron kicked them both off the couches. But they were still allowed on the chair. Long story short I have not let Sadie get on my chair because she is different than Emily and Daisy were. She is a little shall I say this nicely...less bright?...
No, that isn't true...She is less responsible....That is as good as it is going to get! I didn't think she could remember that even though she was allowed on the chair, she isn't allowed on the couches. Turns out she can. :) Sadie really is a very smart dog, but she held onto to her puppy phase longer than our other dogs. I really noticed she was an adult about a month ago. She started sleeping the morning away and seemed more relaxed. She is a very good dog. A little neurotic about squirrels, but good. But, I still didn't let her on the chair until Jake reminded me that she knows she can get on his bed, but not our bed. So yesterday, at the age of 2 1/2, Miss Sadie has graduated to the dog chair. It is such a comfortable chair and some day I will will recover it and banish all dogs from it, but for now it is back to being the dog chair. Today Jake and I were in his room playing with Lego's and guess where Sadie was? All the way on the other side of the house in the school room, sleeping in her chair. That makes me happy. She is no dummy... :)
No, that isn't true...She is less responsible....That is as good as it is going to get! I didn't think she could remember that even though she was allowed on the chair, she isn't allowed on the couches. Turns out she can. :) Sadie really is a very smart dog, but she held onto to her puppy phase longer than our other dogs. I really noticed she was an adult about a month ago. She started sleeping the morning away and seemed more relaxed. She is a very good dog. A little neurotic about squirrels, but good. But, I still didn't let her on the chair until Jake reminded me that she knows she can get on his bed, but not our bed. So yesterday, at the age of 2 1/2, Miss Sadie has graduated to the dog chair. It is such a comfortable chair and some day I will will recover it and banish all dogs from it, but for now it is back to being the dog chair. Today Jake and I were in his room playing with Lego's and guess where Sadie was? All the way on the other side of the house in the school room, sleeping in her chair. That makes me happy. She is no dummy... :)