Jake was taking a lot of time rebuilding a several Lego houses he had, that had crumbled. After he rebuilt them we played with them. They really are amazingly detailed!
While he built, I read to him. We almost always have a book going that I am reading aloud to Jake. We love doing this. It isn't just for little kiddos you know! The book we just finished has been added to my list of favorites.
Little Britches, Father and I Were Ranchers by Ralph Moody is an amazing book that begins a series in which Moody writes about his life. I heard about these books 3 years ago and bought a few of them. I was told they are the boy version of Little House on the Prairie...If you know me and my love for Little House, than you know I was sold immediately upon hearing it! We just got around to actually reading it a couple of weeks ago and it was well worth the wait. We laughed out loud. We reread parts to understand the explanations of how Father fixed things to work amazingly better.
If you have boys you MUST read this to them. If you don't have boys you still MUST read this book to whoever will listen. It is about hard work and family and life...and it is moving. It will make you want to be a better person. It will make you think about your father and what he taught/teaches you. It will make you wonder if any part of your childhood would make as good a story as Ralph's did. It will make you feel good and warm inside, just like a cup of cocoa when you are cold in the winter does...Need an example of what I mean? Here you go:
"A man's character is like his house. If he tears boards off his house and burns them to keep himself warm and comfortable, his house soon becomes ruins."
"Always remember, Son, the best boss is the one who bosses the least. Whether it's cattle, or horses, or men; the least government is the best government."
"You know, a man's life is a lot like a boat. If he keeps his sail set right it doesn't make too much difference which way the wind blows or which way the current flows. If he knows where he wants to go and keeps his sail trimmed carefully he'll come into the right port. But if he forgets to watch his sail til the currents catches him broadside he's pretty apt to smash up on the rocks."
See what I mean? READ.THIS.BOOK. I promise it will make you a better person.