Thursday, June 20, 2013

I love this post...

Every now and then you get the chance to make a wonderful friend that you have never meet in person...thanks to the internet. :)  A couple of years ago I meet a brilliant lady (that I am sure was a great friend of mine in the pre-existence), randomly through blogging.  She is one of those amazing people that I am sure never sleeps because she does amazing things like making soap, raising a small farm, and homeschooling all at once!  Whenever I am on the internet I check to see if she has posted anything, because she never ceases to amaze me!  Today she posted this post called Family.  She had me in tears and that was before I was surprised and totally honored to see the picture of my family!  Read this post and it will make you happy.  It is a great reminder to me of our Heavenly Father's plan for us and how important family really is---whether it is blood relations or someone you have never met in person. :)