Monday, May 20, 2013

I am my living room!

Did you get that? I am blogging. Not in the church parking lot. Not at the library. In the living room while watching The Voice (we DVRed it and watched it after FHE with Nee and Papa).  Aaron called me on Friday from work and said that I needed to be at the house on Monday (today) between 10-12 because the that is when they were coming to install internet. And then he said Happy Birthday.  So, Happy birthday to me (in 11 days)!!!

Here are some pictures I promised...Get ready for random....

Jake and Jaxon.  We got to spend the afternoon with Jaxon on his birthday (April 23rd) and you know I took pictures...(I am glad I did because I forgot to bring my camera to his b-day party).  Jake loves finally having a boy cousin that lives in the U.S.  These guys are good buddies.

Jaxon started walking a couple of weeks before his b-day (he was had been trying to toddle around for a few weeks before that). Now a month later and he is walking like a boss. 
Jake was "Supermaning" Jaxon around and they were just too quick for a good shot! :)
I love. Love. LOVE this one of the little man.
This is my crazy child as we were homeschooling one day in the backyard.  See how cool it is to homeschool?  You can wear a cape and there is only one person that will laugh at you!  Just kidding-I didn't laugh.  We both chuckled and counted out blessing that we can be goofy while we are learning.
Then there was this time when Jake and I stayed in our PJ's and played Lego's on the bed.  After a while we started wondering where Sadie was.  She usually drags her toys to where ever we are...

This is what Sadie was doing...Sleeping on Jake's bed.  (She actually spent most of her day in the same spot just today.)

Just Jake..Love this kiddo.

I am back to my random photo drops, brain declutters, and whatever else pops in to my head that just needs to be documented.  I have missed you internet. :)