Saturday, October 25, 2014


 That is how they said "hooray" during the Renaissance period and we said it a few times on October 16th.  We spent the day at the Renaissance Festival with some friends of ours and we had a blast.  Nee has been using her amazing sewing skills to make Jake a Renaissance/Halloween costume (we don't trick-or-treat any more Jake decided a few years ago he didn't like to see all the gruesome costumes-but we do have a fall festival at church).  Jake really likes the character Link from the Legend of Zelda video games and Nee helped make him a cool costume for dual purposes.

You would never guess that Jake is 13 and Ethan is 12 1/2 would you?

The Falconry is always my favorite.
  And I finally have a camera (that is my phone) to capture the birds in flight thanks to "burst shots".

This is a picture of some one taking a picture of Jake.  People stopped him all the time to comment on his awesome Link costume (which really does fit the period too).  One guy even came up and hugged him.  It was pretty funny.

  This Raven was trained to take money and put it in the box.  A great trick to raise money because who can resist giving a bird money and watching him stuff it in a box?!

A goofy smile and a "giant turkey leg" as Jake kept calling it.

The queens parade to the jousting arena is always very cool.

The tree man was so cool but too crowded to get close up.  We were good with a shot from the distance.

It was pretty crowded.

You know your favorite video game character must have come from the Renaissance period when they have his shield.

One last sword fight to end the day.  Papa G this is the rock that Jake jumped off into your arms so many years ago.

And back to the real world where you have to bring in the trash can while watching your dog about to chase a squirrel that is running up the tree in your front yard. :)  Have I mentioned that homeschooling rocks?
  And random things to come:  Aaron and Jake trying to make a "rocket fire".  Mormons: Prepping before prepping was cool.  Joking aside we have been feeling the need to get a little more prepared and rocket fires may just come in handy.

And the Fair.  I really need to catch up on my blog!