Monday, April 21, 2014

Jake's Science Fair Project

Our homeschool co-op had a science fair to end the year and we decided to see which liquid would clean pennies the best.  We gathered 5 1985 pennies (we found the most of those the quickest and we heard that older pennies were softer) and these are the liquids we choose.
At first it seemed like the Coke was going to come out on top...
But after some data collections and 24 hours, the winner was....

Dawn!  It cleans the dishes.  It cleans animals that get stuck in oil spills.  And it cleans grimy old pennies. 
 Jake and his poster at co-op.  Note to self:  Removable (because we want to use the $8 board again) two sided tape doesn't hold well at all...The pictures kept falling off.
 So we just laid it down.  No points were deducted due to unsticking tape. :) Objective, hypothesis, and materials list...
 Procedure and results...
 The conclusion.  Dawn Ultra cleaned the penny the best.  I really thought the Tabasco Sauce would burn it right off.  You learn something new every day!
 Jake and some of his buddies.
Playing ga-ga ball.  (No I don't really get it but they all loved it)
 Awaiting the science fair results....
 JAKE IS A WINNER!  We didn't do places because it was too hard to decide, so we just did 3 winners.  Jake got a $10 gift card to Chick-fil-a and a certificate!  AWESOME!!!!
It is a bittersweet day to be closing out co-op.  We have had a great year and are looking forward to next year...but not before we have an awesome summer!!!  We aren't done school,just co-op. But we are only going to be reading (because we never stop reading) and doing math until after we move-NEXT WEEK!!!  I need to get back to packing! :)