All of the sudden my phone goes off and I get this text:
On cue I heard my favorite Primary song, Child's Prayer, being sung by the angels that were on my door step. I was immediately in tears because I can hear them so well it was like they were standing in my room! I needed that so much!
I am so thankful that the Lord knows me and knows what I stand in need of. I am thankful that the Spirit touches the hearts of those who are listening. I am so thankful that my friend Leandra was listening when the Lord told her I needed to feel loved. I do feel loved. :)
I didn't get to see this: person (Aaron had taken a picture of it and showed it to me.) until Friday and we just took it down today (since Papa Harmon and Jake were pressure washing the porch).
Thank you Leandra for having an open heart that felt the promptings of the Holy Ghost. I hope I am always listening for the quiet whispers of the Holy Ghost....I hope you are too.