Tuesday, March 11, 2014

And then I remembered why I do it.

Right as I was going to make amends and discuss why I was so bummed out about what had happened, I got Jake's text and then I remembered (again) there will be days like these.  I told Jake that after he swore to never complain again.  I told him not to make that promise because it is one he couldn't keep-and that is okay as long as we are trying and working together.  I told him there will be days like this and we will have to work through them.  Sometimes our plans don't live up to our expectations.  Sometimes they do.  Life isn't perfect but it is good.

While I was in my solitude, Jake got dressed, tidied his room, packed to run away (seems we had the same plan if all else failed)...then he read a chapter in history and did a worksheet that went along with it.  He made lunch, read, and learned a lesson.  So did I.  Sometimes taking a moment (or 20) is the best idea.  Hurtful words don't have to be begged back and everyone has time to think.  Lesson learned and that is homeschooling...