My list of things I wanted to do didn't quite get done today...My goals may have been a little lofty, but I did get a lot done. I baked some cookies that came out totally flat (I got distracted and only put 2 of the 2 1/4 cups of flour it called for and the butter was a little too soft), and I am waiting for the banana bread to finish up in the oven. I don't have really high hopes for it because the batter was thicker than usual...
I did clean our bathroom, pick up our room, vacuum twice (and I already need to again), and a lot of laundry. There is a load for me to fold and put away in the dryer and one to transfer from the washer into the dryer...and fold and put away. I did make a menu and grocery shop...but I already altered the menu because I ran out of time and we just got a piece of pizza from Sam's club after we grocery shopped. We found vanilla chips at Sam's so I even made some vanilla chip cookies (instead of chocolate chip) that I will like....doesn't get me any closer to being skinny, but that wasn't really going to happen today any way. :)
I am going on Monday to pick out and buy paint and the dinning room will be painted on Tuesday! I didn't get to the book cases, but what is a couple of more days. It will be a fun project for Jake and I after co-op on Monday. We can organize our library together!
My to do list didn't get done but I feel like I am on the upswing. We had to vacuum two times because Jake and his friends had a great time playing in the backyard and they tracked in some of that fun. How lucky are we that our neighbors have three grandsons that get along great with Jake and visit often!? The laundry isn't done because we are blessed to have too many clothes, towels, blankets, and sheets! The cookies are flat but they still taste like cookies and the thin crispy ones soak up milk better any way!
The best part of the day is that Jake, by choose, is sitting at his desk (while I am sitting at mine typing and Aaron is happy watching the Bobcats because they are winning!) working on a project that he is very excited about. He is reading a series now that has inspired him to start his own book (more on this later. I really will post about this later because this is a big deal! The boy who hates writing asked me if authors make good money!!!)! He asked to stay up late to work on the map of the land he is creating...Why am I in a funk when I am so blessed?
I relearned (for the 7, 945 time) a lesson today: That if you look for your blessings you will always find them. So what if the cookies are flat-they are still a sweet treat, not a disaster! Tender mercy of the Lord # 2 of 2014 (that I have taken the time to notice...): ask and you shall receive. I asked to feel better and get out of my funk and I stepped back and saw the blessings in little everyday things that I would normally grumble about.
One more thing...I also cleaned out the freezer and now there is room for the huge pack Eggo waffles from Sam's club. Jake is a happy camper. :)