Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homeschooling reality...

This is the beginning of the 6th grade.  (Nana is nice enough to have let us take over her living room.)
Organized.  Ready for some fun learning experiences!  And of course: Jake diligently and happily working...
10 weeks later...and this is on a good day...
The original plan has been sacked, stuff everywhere and I even kicked Jake out to do his history and note taking because we were driving each other crazy.  Actually he wanted to go outside on his own, but I am sure it is because he wanted to get a way from me.  .
At our Classical Conversations co-op yesterday, one of the moms was turning in her daughters folder and was trying to think of a nice way to say it had been a tough week and she didn't know what was even in the folder.  I looked at her and said: "It is what it is."  We both laughed and decided it would be our homeschooling mantra.  It is what it is:  there are good days and days we just get it done and ask forgiveness later for any arguing that may have occurred.  There are days when we look lovingly at our children as they are happily completing their work independently...even as I type it I know that no one who homeschools or even helps their children with homework after schools is going to believe that ever happens.  And there are days when I pray that a random school bus will go by so I can run into the middle of the street, demand the bus driver take my child-I won't even care which school it was going to, then go back inside (by myself because I am telling you the bus driver would take Jake-probably out of fear for his safety...but he would take him!) and enjoy some piece and quiet. 

I am thankful to be able to homeschool Jake and I know that this is exactly what we are supposed to be doing even if this post doesn't make it sound like it.  It is what it is. :)

Happy Halloween!  More on that another day...