Wednesday, October 17, 2012

And another good day!

Okay we can just say we had a good week! Besides Monday and Tuesday...Jake and I were getting ready to paint on Monday and were carrying things into the basement of Erin and Matt's. Fynn, their dog, was very excited we were there and ended up running under me and knocking me on my back. She literally came up behind me took my feet out from under me and came out the other side. It knocked the wind out of me and rattled my brain a little. Instant headache and I spent most of Tuesday sitting in Papa's recliner (the back of it heats up) because my back hurt so bad. But a days rest, lots of Tylenol and Ibuprofen, a heating pad, and a hot shower, and I was ready to paint again on Wednesday. It is still a little sore but I am 99% better. So, other than that we had a great week!

(I started this post on Friday and am just now getting around to finishing it...)
We were at Erin and Matt's to paint on Friday and Jaxson was just waking up from his nap.  We went into see him and he was gumming his crib.  It was so adorable!

Jake took a shot of me painting some chairs.  I look like I am painting really fast don't I?
This is what they look like now.  My mom and I covered the seats on Friday night when Jake and Aaron were on a camp out.
 I am loving these chairs...

I had to take some pictures of Aaron and Jake getting ready to go camping...Just in case they forgot to take any while camping.  They said they took some but I haven't seen them yet.  Between homeschooling, and painting I haven't had a chance

Jake hugged the dogs and me about 5 times before leaving.  He was soooo excited to go camping with Daddy but he was going to miss us too.

So, as you can see we had a rather busy and fun week!  Next post: Camping pictures and Craft Show news...