Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Star Wars Geeks

We use any excuse for a party and since my guys are Star Wars geeks we had a "May the 4th be with you" party. Get it May the 4th...May the force? :) We got together with the Martin's (some how I didn't get a picture of Ranee and Jeremy but they were there!) and enjoyed Star Wars food, a light saber battle and the kiddos watched one of the movies while we adults chatted. I am so excited to be doing my first of a ton of posts that will eventually get me caught back up on all that has been going on for the past couple of months. No this doesn't mean I found the cord for my camera...It is still packed in a box somewhere...I went to Walmart and put the pictures on my camera on a disc. I was sick of waiting! I wanted to do a post on my new laptop with pictures. It took no time at all to upload the pictures which makes me a happy camper. That means I can put even more pictures than I usually do. :)