Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wordful Wednesday: Alliterations...(this is not easy people!!!)

Over at Chocolate on my  Cranium, Cocoa has challenged us to write an alliteration  today.  This was HARD for me for some reason. So, here it is...This is as good as it gets.  I had to change the color of all the "f's" to prove that they really are in there...

One of my Favorite Faces...

This familiar face is one of the first things I see in the morning.  Freckles from the summer sun find a home for a few months here. Finding out how you are feeling is easy for those who know you.  From your eyes we can feel your emotions. 
From the moment I found out you would be part of our forever family I was filled with joy.  Then I saw your sweet, fresh from Heaven face and I found a part of my heart that was never fully formed before. From the moment you entered our family I was forever changed, for the better. I will never forget your first words, first steps, and first day of school. Our family found its meaning when you found our way into our hearts.
 Faith comes easy to you. You are funny, friendly, and forgiving.  Family, friends, and strangers find full acceptance from you. I hope you never fear the future, for yours will be amazing.  From your talents you will always find the strength to fully fulfill your purpose in life.  Find the path your Father in Heaven has for you and continue in faith to follow it. 

Are you better at this than me?  Find out if it is one of your talents! See if other people found it easier than me over at Cocoa's.