Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Minute Friday: Backwards

Got writers block?  Need to empty out the old noggin'?  Then you need to try 5 minute Friday over at The Gypsy Mama.  This is a hard one for some reason...Remember I ramble, I don't write, so don't expect too much... :)

I eat pizza backwards. Crust first...That is seriously all that is popping into my head right now!  But I guess if I really think about it I do a lot of things backwards in the eyes of the world. I married Aaron before I lived with him. I got married before I had a child. I got married at 21 rather than waiting until I was 32 and successful in a big career.  I decided to stay home with my child and pinch pennies and cut coupons rather than have 2 incomes and go to Disney World on vacation.  I consider being a stay-at-home mom the greatest job in the world, rather than saying "I am just a mom" when people ask me what I do.  I choose to follow my Heavenly Father's plan, rather than following the worlds "do as you please" attitude.  In the eyes of the world I am "backwards".  I don't give myself enough credit (the world says)-I could do so much more in life than "just being a mom".  I think the world is backwards.  


"No other success can compensate for failure in the home"-J.E. McCulloch. One of my all time favorite quotes....

I added the quote after the 5 minutes was up, but I had to it is what kept popping into my mind.  I have learned if things keep popping into your mind it isn't a coincidence, it is the Spirit trying to tell you someone else might need to hear it too.  Or it is the Holy Ghost reminding me that I need to focus and remember it in my life.  Either way, it is an awesome quote and I wanted to share it.  :)