Sunday, September 6, 2015


I snap pictures pretty much all the time. So it goes with out saying that I have a whole bunch of us homeschooling. Here are a few...

This is one of my all time favorites...
Our mascot and teacher's assistant.
Sometimes school happens on the back porch (we decided the sun room doesn't sound right).
Some times the assistant/mascot is also the guidance counselor and helps relieve stress.
Sometimes you have to stand on the chair and take a picture to really capture the moment.

Sometimes school happens in the car.
Recess is important.
The smart phone comes in handy...and so does the Kindle.  You can research on two different sites at one time!
Co-op doesn't start until 9:15, so math happens before we go.

Although we can wear whatever we want to homeschool we don't usually wear crazy hats.  But we do on crazy hat day.

"Un gato"....That means the cat (or a cat...Jake knows) in Spanish but if you say it with an Asian accent you will be thoroughly entertained.We are doing Rosetta Stone for Spanish and it is kind of hysterical at times
 Snacks are a big part of homeschooling.
  The mascot/assitant/guidance couselor is also the cafeteria janitor (of just the floor.  She doesn't do dishes...unless they are on the floor for pre-washing) who will pick up any messes we leave behind.

 Her job is exhausting...
 A long recess to a friends to swim (and show off a cool new smart phone).
 Another out of order Spanish picture!

 This is what is looks like when you say "Un gatto" with the Asian accent that I referenced earlier.  The end of the bar thing is where is picked up us laughing hysterically!

 This is what the screen looks like when you say it correctly.  Notice the arrow in the green on the right.  We are pretty good at Spanish.
 We have found that Jake can spell better in Spanish....?
 Sometimes you get to type your paper in your mom's room while she is you are a king or something.
 Yep. It happens in the car a lot. He is listening to classical music (he isn't allowed to listen to music with words while he does school. It is too distracting).  It is supposed to make you remember it better and it also blocks out the other people talking in the car.
 Theatrical audio books are pretty awesome.

Homeschooling pretty much rocks.